Average Interventional Radiology Nurse Salary


The average salary for a Interventional Radiology Nurse is $48.48 per hour. This is 6% higher than the nursing US average of $45.37.

Last updated on May 11, 2024. Based on active jobs on Vivian.com.

Salaries for Interventional Radiology Nurse compared to Registered Nurse National Averages


6% higher than the nursing US average.


United States

Where do Interventional Radiology Nurses get paid the most?
StateAverage Hourly SalaryMax Hourly Salary
New York$50$74
New Jersey$41$53
North Carolina$32$43
What are the highest paying Employers and Agencies for Interventional Radiology Nurse jobs?

Last updated on May 11, 2024. Information based on active jobs on Vivian.com and pay data from BLS and around the web.

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Interventional Radiology Nurse FAQs

What is an Interventional Radiology RN?

Interventional radiology nurses work in a subspecialty of radiology and are vital members of the IR team. Advances in technology and imaging have made radiology a rapidly growing field and the increasing demand for minimally invasive procedures has increased the demand for interventional radiology nurses. Most IR nurses work in the radiology departments of public and private hospitals, but they’re also employed by freestanding radiology clinics and outpatient imaging clinics. Work setting is just one of several factors that determine an interventional radiology RNs salary.

Interventional radiology nurses are registered nurses who specialize in providing patient care before, during, and after minimally invasive, image-guided procedures. They work with a team of specialists who diagnose and treat nearly every organ in the body through diagnostic and interventional procedures.

The education requirements to become an interventional radiology nurse include earning an ADN or a BSN from a nursing program accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) or the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). However, earning your BSN makes it easier to find work in this specialty as more employers begin to require a four-year degree. No matter your education level, you must pass the NCLEX-RN licensing exam to become a registered nurse before gaining the experience required to transition to interventional radiology.

How an Interventional Radiology RN salary is based

Base salaries are often very dependent on the number of years of experience an IR nurse has. The more experienced, the greater the salary. However, base salaries can also vary by level of education, additional skills attained, and certifications, among others.

Education level may be a consideration in how an interventional radiology RN's salary is based, but it may not be. The starting salary for ADN-educated and BSN-educated nurses can be similar. Facilities don’t always have higher base salaries for RNs with a BSN, but those with a strong preference for BSN-educated IR nurses might. Nurses with an MSN generally always have higher base salaries.

Any additional skills IR nurses gain related to the radiology field can influence how their salary is based. Due to the complex nature of interventional radiology, obtaining advanced technical skills needed to work with specialized equipment can greatly impact an IR RNs salary.

IR nurses are usually required to have Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support certifications, and Pediatric Advanced Life Support certification if they work with children. The facility that employs them may also require National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale training, depending on the position. An IR nurse who already has all these certifications may see a higher starting salary than those who don’t.

How to increase your Interventional Radiology RN salary

IR nurses can pursue many educational endeavors that can increase their salaries. If they currently only hold an ADN, many colleges and universities offer alternative MSN programs to fast-track earning a master’s degree. These RN-to-MSN programs let you complete the components for both the BSN and the MSN simultaneously, so you can earn your degree much quicker and boost your salary sooner.

Another way to gain more education in the radiology field is by taking an Advanced Radiology Life Support course. These courses focus on unique emergencies that could occur in a radiology department and potentially threaten a patient’s life. Any related coursework may increase your salary and some facilities will even reimburse you for the cost of taking classes.

Interventional radiology nurses also may continue their education to become Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, which requires a Master of Science in Nursing as a nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist with additional radiology coursework as needed. Once you complete an accredited family nurse practitioner program, you can become a board-certified NP through examination. The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and the American Nurses Credentialing Center both offer FNP board certification. APRNs earn substantially higher salaries.

RNs may pursue professional certification to transition to the radiology field or advance their careers once there. They also do it to increase their salaries. The Radiologic Nursing Certification Board offers Certified Radiology Nurse credentialing. Eligibility to sit for the certification exam includes holding an active RN license with at least 2,000 practice hours in radiology nursing and 30 contact hours of continuing education. At least half your CE hours must specifically relate to radiology nursing.

What professional certifications can potentially increase my salary as a Interventional Radiology RN?

Earning your Advanced Radiology Life Support (ARLS) often increases your salary potential as a interventional radiology nurse or makes you eligible for another position with greater responsibilities, which also might include a bump in wages.

Can having a Advanced Radiology Life Support (ARLS) boost my salary as a Interventional Radiology RN?

Yes, having a Advanced Radiology Life Support (ARLS) or any relevant professional certification has the potential to boost your salary as a interventional radiology nurse.

Where can I learn more about working as a Interventional Radiology Nurse?

Take a look at Vivian's Interventional Radiology Nurse Career Guide for more information, including required education, responsibilities, pros and cons and more.