Travel Cardiac Catheterization Technologist Salary Guide

A cath lab technologist is a type of cardiovascular technologist. This allied health professional works in a cardiac catheterization lab, performing cardiovascular procedures and tests to diagnose and treat heart disease.

Cath lab techs manage and operate cardiac imaging equipment, prepare patients and answer questions, administer topical anesthesia, monitor patient vitals, assist physicians with procedures and respond in emergencies. They may help physicians maneuver the catheter during cardiac catheterization, where a tube is threaded through a blood vessel to the heart to take images. They also assist during the insertion of stents and pacemakers.

How do you become a cath lab technologist?

To train as a cath lab technologist, enroll in an associate or a bachelor's degree program in cardiovascular technology, specializing in invasive cardiovascular technology. These programs usually provide classroom and clinical training.

Confirm in advance whether your state requires a license to work as a cath lab tech to ensure you meet education requirements. Some states may require you to hold a cardiovascular technology credential in addition to your degree. Even if your state doesn't require certification, earning professional credentials demonstrates your expertise to employers.

What credentials/licensing does a cath lab technologist require?

Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI) offers numerous credentials for cardiovascular technologists, depending on the area of specialty. The Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist (RCIS) credential is specifically for those working in cardiac catheterization. Most jobs require Basic Life Support and/or Advanced Cardiac Life Support certification.

Average Travel Cardiac Catheterization Technologist Salary


The average salary for a Travel Cardiac Catheterization Technologist is $2,581 per week. This is 9% higher than the practicing US average of $2,340.

Last updated on May 11, 2024. Based on 5,435 active jobs on in the last 7 days.

Salaries for Travel Cardiac Catheterization Technologist compared to Allied Health Professional National Averages


9% higher than the practicing US average.


United States

Where do Travel Cardiac Catheterization Technologists get paid the most?
StateAverage Weekly SalaryMax Weekly Salary
North Dakota$3,094$3,604
New York$2,991$3,600
West Virginia$2,852$3,562
New Jersey$2,846$4,056
South Dakota$2,768$3,042
What cities pay the most for Travel Cardiac Catheterization Technologists?
CityAverage Weekly SalaryMax Weekly Salary
San Francisco, California$3,694$3,893
Salinas, California$3,628$4,006
Beverly, Massachusetts$3,535$3,787
Monterey, California$3,490$3,520
Watsonville, California$3,430$3,430
Los Angeles, California$3,397$3,734
Kenosha, Wisconsin$3,338$3,338
Federal Way, Washington$3,317$3,317
Cincinnati, Ohio$3,291$3,651
Newark, New Jersey$3,240$3,240
What are the highest paying Employers and Agencies for Travel Cardiac Catheterization Technologist jobs?
Average Weekly SalaryMax Weekly Salary
Pacer Staffing$3,799$4,206
PS Companies$3,524$3,524
NimbusNest, Inc.$3,500$3,600
Stats Access, Inc.$3,472$3,600
GHR Healthcare - Allied Health & Therapy$3,439$3,439
GQR Healthcare$3,430$3,430
Nightingale Nurses - Allied$3,361$3,650
Connected Health Care $3,360$3,600

Last updated on May 11, 2024. Information based on active jobs on

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How can you increase your pay as a travel cath lab technologist?

Similarly, travel salaries are higher than average in states with an immediate need for cardiovascular technologists. Certain travel cath lab tech jobs in California and Massachusetts paid over $4,000 per week based on the same data.

How much does a travel cath lab technologist make?

According to Vivian's salary data sourced on April 19, 2023, ravel staff cath lab techs earned an average of $2,648 weekly, equaling $66.20 per hour divided by a 40-hour workweek.

Do travel cath lab technologists earn more than staff cath lab technologists?

Travel cath lab technologists usually make significantly more than those working in staff positions. According to Vivian's salary data on April 19, 2023, travel cath lab technologists earned an average of $2,648 per week, or $66.20 per hour divided by a 40-hour workweek. This hourly rate is 131% higher than the average staff cath lab tech salary of $28.66 per hour.

What states employ the most cath lab technologists?

According to May 2021 employment data from BLS, the following states have the most cardiac technologist jobs in the United States:

  • California: 4,950

  • Florida: 4,920

  • Texas: 4,000

  • Pennsylvania: 3,590

  • New York: 3,360

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